This was a fun, fabulous and informative full day trip. Thank you Valantino and Charlie Brown for absolutely placing the biggest smiles of our faces. We loved it. It made our holiday, (and we were already having a great time).
Our day started by pick up by mini bus and a quick stop off at a cafe so all the tours could meet up. We then went to the information centre at Sian Khan and walked a very little walk to meet Charlie Brown our skipper on the little flat bottom speed boat. We were in small groups of 4/6 people. We then went all the way through the mangroves. Obviously they cant guarantee what you will see but we were very lucky. We saw sea eagles, other exotic birds and a crocodile. We then changed boats and went out to sea. We saw a sting ray, a turtle, and two pods of dolphins. We were not in the water or allowed to be. These are creatures in their own habitats and we respectfully observed from a distance. We were then taken to the coral reef and along with all the other boats we dived in for a snorkle. We all had life jackets and you didnt have to swim far. Watching the coral reef and seeing so much life was amazing. We then got back on the boat by a little ladder, (this can be tricky). We then were taken to a shallow clear blue area to have another dip. Back on the boat we were taken to a little jetty where we then walked a short walk to a restaurant for a bit of food and drink. Then back on board and we were wizzed back to the minibus.
Take sun cream, a hat, and if you have it a waterproof camera or go pro. Share your photos with other tourists. The other tour guide Thomas has some fantastic photos that he will happily share with you.
We loved this trip. Valantino was so attentive and enthusiastic to share all his knowledge with us. An experience we will never forget and although one of the most expensive trips we thought it was very much worth the money.
Thank you guys.